They say that a chef’s toque has 101 folds to represent all the ways the chef knows how to prepare an egg. This is meant to demonstrate not just the chef’s deep knowledge and mastery of technique, but also the versatility of the humble egg. No other ingredient is its peer.
Except for tofu.
If ceremonial culinary headware were designed around one’s knowledge of tofu, the hat would have 102 folds.
The first thing to know about tofu is that you often want to prepare it prior to cooking with it1. This slightly changes the texture of the tofu, and alters its ability to absorb flavors.
You can squeeze it. You can press it between two plates. You can boil it in water or simmer it in broth.
But I’m here to tell you the very best way to prepare tofu for whenever you want the firmest tofu.
Here’s what you do:
Drain the tofu
Press it between two plates and place a book on top. Let it finish draining.
Put it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. Tell the tofu it is safe, and you will be back for it later. Leave it there overnight.
The next day, take the tofu out and let it thaw.
Press it again! (A lot more water will come out!)
Continue with whatever tofu recipe you’re using as normal.
This results in a dense, chewy tofu. It will no longer be soft and creamy. So use this technique when you want a firm, almost meat like consistency. It is great for breading and frying (hello buffalo wings!), thinly slicing and pan frying (hello crispy tofu sandwich!), and grating with the largest holes of a box grater (hello bbq tofu shreds!).
It’s great. Try it, you’ll like it.
DryPot, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
But not always! It is perfectly reasonable and sometimes desirable to use raw tofu straight from the plastic tub. A raw slab of tofu on a bun has more times than I can count been an emergency meal for me when I’ve had less than zero minutes to dedicate to thinking about or preparing anything to eat. ↩